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Little Upsilon: Jun 13 5224
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Corporations in Benta X

Number of Corporations in your Country  24Number of Corporations
Number of State Controlled Corporations  21Number of State Corporations
Number of CEO Controlled Corporations  3Number of Private Corporations
Number of National Corporations  0 
Number of Employees in all Corporations  7,511,472Employees in Corporations
Number of Employees in State Controlled Corporations  6,658,917Employees in State Corporations
Number of Employees in CEO Controlled Corporations  852,555Employees in Private Corporations
Tax Percentage  30 
Profit Contributions by State Controlled Corporations  50 
About Corporations
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The Corporations

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sort corporations by product
  State Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image Armaha Jewelry 218.03B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Bastilia High Tech Services 182.18B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Buatan Navy Missile Intercepto 558.92B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Clement Ontario Gasoline 205.65B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Cumbria Chemicals 151.22B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Delray Defensive Missiles 440.69B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Denvre Military Bases Maintena 461.19B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Dovra Military Services 518.07B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Ford Building Materials 222.44B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Kamo Navy Missile Interceptor 564.76B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Lugania Ammunition Components 332.14B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Milanga Building Materials 277.41B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Mutare Household Products 470.52B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %
image Ordina Meat 525.41B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Parita Fruit 342.83B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Ridgecrest Meat Products 534.17B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Rodun Defensive Missiles 471.53B SC$   None shortage 59 % 100 %
image Soul Internet 610.91B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %
image Vall Electric Components 187.75B SC$   None shortage 0 % 100 %
image Venedig Building Materials 253.66B SC$   None shortage 106 % 100 %
image Victorna Construction 331.92B SC$   None low 106 % 100 %

  Privately Held Corporations
    Name Value   Unsold Products Supplies Production Hiring
image Commerzbank Wind Turbines 39 199.89B SC$   None OK 110 % 100 %
image Fernando Mobile Devices 330.62B SC$   None OK 110 % 100 %
image Woodmont Missile Interceptor B 377.03B SC$   None OK 106 % 100 %

No new corporations are currently under construction.

There are no pending requests to locate corporations in Benta X.

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